Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Smoked Cabbage?

It's true...and it's delicious! The cabbage is cut open and the cavity is filled with sauteed onions, bacon, and BBQ sauce. This mixture, along with some butter, will melt into the cabbage leaves as the cabbage sits in a smoker.

My wife, Julie, hates cabbage...but she loves this dish!


Joshlyn said...

damn man, this looks AMAZING. I normally only eat sauteed cabbage, but this looks too good to pass up!

Albie said...

Thanks! The actual recipe in in Steven Raichlen’s book, How to Grill. Best grill book out there. Most of what I do I learned there.

As far as smoked cabbage goes, the taste is amazing! My wife loved it. I mean LOVED it, and she HATES cabbage!

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